Fiery Dragon 2 quick tips to calm her.

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It could seem like the smallest thing, yet in our mind feel like it will ruin the entire day. I certainly know the feeling of spiraling into a rage that I cant seem to pull back from. Its an awful feeling. one that doesn’t happen often however I know I am not alone in the experience.

To be honest I am surprised am not bald, when I am so wound up I just want to cut all my hair off. its such a bizarre feeling.

Women come into clinic and tell me how they just hate constantly snapping, yelling and getting into a flip out but they cant seem to stop it.

Here are my rage diffusing tips.

Use these 2 tips first.. this will bring the messages from the brain out of flight, fright, fight move into calm, problem-solving section known as the prefrontal cortex.


1st. Count backwards slowly from 10.

2nd. Say a riddle.

I use “one one was a race horse, two two was one too. One one, Won, one race, two two won one too.

Once the acute fiery feeling has settled these are a few tips i use for calming the dragon. Its also a nice idea to create a calming the dragon list to put on the fridge. Do this as a family and talk about age appropriate ways to settle overwhelming feelings. this way everyone has a guide to use when they are in a spin.


-Take a herbal stress formula

-Apply cold facewash

-Take 7 deep breaths

-Go to the bathroom



-Think about where the feeling is coming from

-Think about what’s important to you right now

-What do you need on a deep level (try to name it)

-Develop a strategy to express your needs

It’s not always easy, but once we step away and take a breath,  we can diffuse the spiral.

Often the spiral may feel like it’s about the task at hand, when its really the depth that is much more important. Taking the responsibility to look inward and discover what is really needed changes the dynamic of the communication.

When we think about the source of the stress (fatigue, running late, feeling unheard), and identify what it is that we need (to feel appreciated, heard, loved?) We are honoring our truth. Once you’re there, try explaining it and then moving back to the task/behaviour on a new level.

When looking at spiraling from a physical and chemical view point here are a few reason people spiral other than circumstantial:

Could these be the cause of a spiral?

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low iron

low B12

low magnesium

low B vitamins

low Zinc levels

high copper

hormone imbalance


high stress hormones

Knowing this isn’t the way the average person wants to act or feel, yet it is so common, i want to share that there is support. As a Naturopath my job is to investigate and then create a lifestyle and nutritional plan to give the body the tools for repair.

If its your time to find the calm give me a call on 9332 1119 to make an appointment at my Kardinya clinic or online.

Kacey Grieves
